
What is counselling? Is it for me?

Counselling is a process of collaborative problem-solving in which you move toward measurable goals and is suitable for anyone who hopes to make meaningful change. Individual counselling services are provided for late teens, young adults, men, women and seniors.

What is an assessment?

Support for life's challenges

With various major practice proficiencies, we offer evidence-based treatment for a variety of issues including:

  • General life stress
  • Anxiety and related disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic, post-traumatic stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, hoarding)
  • Mood disorders (depression, dysthymia)
  • Workplace stress and conflict
  • Trauma and Abuse (sexual, physical, emotional)
  • Grief/Loss including infertility and pregnancy loss
  • Sexuality/Identity
  • Self-Esteem
  • Self-Injury and Suicide
  • Chronic physical issues (pain, injury, disability)
  • Life Transitions such as becoming a parent, divorce, retirement, aging, etc.
Who would benefit from an assessment?

What can I expect?

Counselling services are provided individually with a registered psychologist. For more information on treatment philosophy and modalities, please see About Us.

  • Good therapy requires a good relationship, a directed treatment plan, and movement toward established goals. While techniques will vary depending on individual needs and presenting concerns, all therapy shares a focus on a collaborative approach, a search for meaning and value, and the following progression from intake to completion.

    Intake Session

    • The intake session is the beginning of meaningful change. In this session, we focus on honouring your courage to begin, assessing goodness of fit, and developing a safe place to explore and grow. The psychologist will gather information about your presenting concern and your previous history so that together we can formulate a path forward.

    Treatment Plan

    • After the intake session, we will create a treatment plan specific to your needs. This will include the frequency of sessions and discussing what goals we will work toward.


    • We will continue to evaluate the treatment plan as we work together toward achieving your goals. Feedback is solicited regularly and homework between sessions is encouraged.


    • Completion occurs when you feel you have reached your goals and have the skills, understanding and strategies you require to move forward in your life. We recognize that therapy, like life, is a fluid process and welcome the return of previous clients at any time.